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As COVID-19 cases fall, doctors weigh in on unmasking

PITTSBURGH — As COVID-19 cases fall, people are questioning when masking will be eased. Medical professionals say there are many factors that need to be considered.

Location and vaccination status are just a couple of things doctors say should be taken into account when it comes to unmasking. Other factors include the vaccination status of people around you and how many people you’re around.

For example, if you’re in a small room with poor ventilation or a lot of unmasked people who may or may not be vaccinated, doctors say it’s probably a good idea to wear a mask. But if you’re in a larger room that’s better ventilated, going maskless becomes less of a risk.

Something else to consider is whether you have a high-risk family member you’re going to be around. If that’s the case, wearing a mask can decrease the chances of passing the virus to them.

Medical professionals say it’s also worth looking at the spread of COVID-19 in the community you’re in. If community transmission is relatively low, that lowers your risk level.

Moving forward, doctors told Channel 11′s news exchange partners at TribLIVE they believe virus transmission will ebb and flow seasonally.