
Penn Hills woman shoots grandson on New Year’s Day, police say

PENN HILLS, Pa. — A man was found in the front yard of a house in Penn Hills, shot multiple times on New Year’s Day. Police say it was his own grandmother who pulled the trigger.

Investigators say an argument between family members inside a home on Saylong Drive led to Debora Morton shooting her grandson.

Court documents say just before 9 a.m., Morton called 911, telling dispatchers that her grandson threatened her, so she decided to shoot him. Morton told police she overheard the victim arguing with a witness, later identified by investigators as the victim’s brother. Morton says she went to her bedroom, got a gun, and covered it with a shirt. She said her grandson came to her room, started yelling, and threatened to damage the house before allegedly telling his grandmother “I’m gonna tear you up.” Police say Morton started shooting at the victim.

“The threats that were made – if you want to call them threats – were very vague by the victim,” said Chief Ronald Como of the Penn Hills Police Department. “After the original discharge of a firearm, there was a separation of the two.”

Police say Morton chased him down the stairs and continued to fire the gun, even leaning out the window and shooting toward the open garage door.

Chief Como told Channel 11 that a modified PFA order was in place, allowing the victim and his brother to be in the home. Morton told police the two have a history of being aggressive and having destructive behavior.

Channel 11 asked Chief Como if investigators are looking into the possibility of self defense or any additional charges being filed.

“A lot of research was done, a lot of investigating yesterday and consulting with the DA’s Office when the charges were filed and what charges to file,” Como said.

Police said the victim was found in a neighboring yard and was shot at least twice. He was taken to the hospital in critical condition but at last check was stable.

Morton remains in the Allegheny County Jail.

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